miercuri, mai 06, 2009

Tango lipsa

Desi calatoria m-a purtat tot mai departe, ti-am pastrat imaginea mereu alaturi si impreuna am vazut Orientul. Te-am purtat nu ca pe o poza, caci singura pe care o aveam am marginit-o cu flori si ti-am daruit-o. In special serile, in linistea patului strain cu asternuturi patate, ma chinuiam sa-ti vad chipul. Abia astazi cand stam iar fata in fata imi dau seama cat de mult te-am schimbat: ti-am rotunjit pometii, chipului palid mai mereu i-am pictat culoare. Tot ce n-a putut insa atinge dorul ti-au fost ochii: albastri inchis ca si acum un an cand i-am lasat citind. Astazi ii gasesc in acelasi loc, aceeasi irisi, alta carte. De ar fi sa te pierd vreodata prin labirintul de strazi al Istanbulului, m-as uita prin fiecare val cautandu-ti fiinta. Sub casmire grele si lumina lunii, la fel de repede ti-as recunoaste ochii.

Aveam o perioada in care fiecare miercuri insemna reconstituirea dansului in cuvinte. In mod ironic, astazi am renuntat la tango (nu de buna voie, inca ma mai enervez cand imi amintesc) si totusi scriu. Mint, au scris altii, eu doar citez:

"Other music exists to heal wounds; but the tango when sung and played is
for the purpose of opening them, for the purpose of sticking your finger in
the wound and to tear them until they bleed."

Autorul nu-l stiu, dar datorita lui Claudiu a ajuns citatul pana la mine.

Despre ritualuri si tango:
"Traditionally the “best” women dancers were seated in the front row around the dance floor. This still takes place in many popular dance halls in Buenos Aires. The men would either be in the center of the dance floor or near the bar from where they could see and be seen by the ladies. The object was to make eye contact and imperceptibly ask a lady to dance with a nod of the head. A lady wishing to accept the invitation would indicate so with a minimal motion of her eyes, her lips, or her head. At this point the man would walk towards the lady without losing eye contact, a sort of reassurance that the eyes he was looking at, were looking back at him and not for some other guy coming from behind him."

Citat cules dintr-un vechi ziar de tango (cei interesati pot da din penita si dezvalui sursa).

Si pentru a incheia, stropim toata compozitia cu o picatura de Parfum de femeie:
"No mistakes in tango, it's not like life. That's what makes tango so great: if you make a mistake, you get all tangled up , you just tango on."

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